New in 2016: Giving Back through Micro Loans
Posted on January 14 2016
Believing strongly in giving back to our community and world, my vision for JJ Caprices has always included a sustainability and charity component. Since we opened our virtual doors back in 2013, a portion of proceeds has gone to World Vision's Strong Women, Strong World program to help girls in some of our planet's most difficult places get access to quality education and health so that they, and their community, can strive to have the quality of life they deserve. And now as we grow, we also want our contributions to grow as well.
New in 2016 we are proud to announce we will also be working with World Vision to give micro loans to women entrepreneurs in developing countries.
We look forward to helping these women take hold of their own future, build bright tomorrows for their children, and helping to create jobs in their community. Their success in moving from a place of poverty to self-sustainability will not only create a better community but a better world.
Our first micro loan recipient who will follow is Vielca from Bolivia!
For the last year Vielca Vanessa has operated her small business in the Alfarero region in Bolivia. She sells cosmetics by catalog to customers in her community. She also has 1 employee who helps her run her shop. Vielca Vanessa has asked for a loan from World Vision to expand her business. She would like to buy merchandise to sell to support her family.
We will provide updates on Vielca's success as we receive them.
If you want more info or wish to contribute yourself:
Here's to giving in 2016!
See you in the shop.